SanDeco Chalkboard


Chalkboard can be used for decorative purposes on interior walls, wood, MDF, and similar surfaces.


-Chalkboard provides an excellent surface for chalk writing.

-It adheres perfectly to the surface, preventing blistering or cracking. Once it reaches its final hardness and durability, it can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth.

-Magnetic strength is contingent on the quality of magnets used.

-A water-based product that is environmentally friendly and safe for human health.

34.22 Su PVM


Nuo paviršiaus nuvalyti nešvarumus ir dulkes. Paviršiaus pažeidimus ir nelygumus koreguoti SAN DECO ACRYLILIK PUTTY glaistu. Senai dažyti paviršiai turi būti nugruntuoti SAN DECO UNIPRIMER gruntu.

-Before application, dilute Chalkboard with 5% water and mix it thoroughly. Apply two coats using a roller, brush, or spraying method. Wait a minimum of 3-4 hours before applying the second layer. Ensure that the application environment maintains a temperature between +5°C and +35°C for 24 hours during and after the application.

Allow 2-3 hours for the paint to dry to the touch, 24 hours for it to completely dry, and after 72 hours, the surface will be ready for use in a 23°C environment.

Priklausomai nuo paviršiaus lygumo, porėtumo ir kokiu metodu buvo dengiama, vieno sluoksnio dengimui reikės:
- 1 litro norint padengti 5,5 – 7,5 m² ploto
- 1 kilogramo norint padengti 2,5 – 3,5 m² ploto
- Dažų sąnaudos 1 m² plotui yra 135-180ml ir 300-400g.